Saturday, October 27, 2012

Forward Lower Fuselage Assembly

One of the first steps of the forward lower fuselage assembly is to dimple and then rivet nutplates along the sloped edge of the left and right tunnel ribs.

Next, the first of two pair of engine mount brackets are installed on the tunnel ribs.

Now, the tunnel ribs are riveted to the forward fuselage (think floor) skin.

It is now time for the firewall bottom panel/skin to be attached to the tunnel rib/forward fuselage skin.

And finally, the left and right forward fuselage corner skins (curved sections) are riveted to the forward fuselage skins and firewall bottom.

The entire section is, of course, cleco'd together prior to riveting.  In this picture you will see a series of colored dots.  These are to mark locations that are NOT yet ready to receive rivets - a no rivet zone!

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