Thursday, January 31, 2013

Rollover Structure & F-1207 Bulkhead

The entire roll bar is reinforced with an inner and outer narrow sheet of aluminum which spans the thickness of the assembly.  These reinforcements are completely internal to the roll bar.  Below is a shot of the deburring process of the numerous holes along the length that matches the holes in the outer roll bar structure itself.

The roll bar assembly continues by cleco-ing both halves of the roll bar with the internal reinforcements which span the thickness of the assembly. 

Another straight-on view of one side of the structure.

Lots of match drilling between the #40 holes of the roll bar exterior and internal reinforcements.

The outer holes on the roll bar are machine countersunk as the canopy will fit flush against it when closed.

Close up of the countersink cage tool.

The almost finished roll bar assembly prior to fuselage mating.

As the internal reinforcements were sprayed with a rattle can self etching primer, I chose to spray another touch-up coat of finish color to promote uniformity of finish.  The was the "before" picture.

Initial fitting of the roll bar and support frames during fit up, prior to installation.  Also, note the mottled finish of the roll bar.  This was the result after some vigorous scrubbing with maroon scotchbrite prior to the aforementioned coat of touch-up finish paint.


And, the final installation of the freshly touched-up roll bar assembly.

Next, the F-1207 bulkhead was fitted with the vertical supports, held together with numerous nutplates and fitted into place with cleco's to the baggage floor, side skins and longerons.

Finally, the roll bar brace was prepped with it's brackets and made ready to attach to the back of the roll bar and the F-1207 bulkhead.

Final shots of roll structure riveted into final position.

A good shot of the canopy latch, found on the back face of the roll bar.


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